Atlanta B&B
We stayed at the beautifully restored King-Keith House, right in the heart of Atlanta
Our room at King-Keith House
 B Guidebook
The porch where we enjoyed the view and read our guidebook
G Turret
Same porch, different mood
B B&B 2
For the cat lovers among you - you know who you are - the house's calico kitty can be seen just to the left of Nick.
B Atlanta
Outside the Tullie Smith House
N Shirt
Nick in his new Brooks Brothers shirt
G Diner
If you visit Atlanta, eat at the Buckhead Diner. Wow! The best steak fillet, asparagus, and blue cheese chips in the world.
N Grindstone
Nick literally puts his nose to the grindstone at the Tullie Smith House, the Atlanta History Center
I know there aren't very many photos of Atlanta this time, but most of the stuff we did couldn't be photographed anyway. See our page from 2001 for more photos.
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