I visited the Köln and Bonn areas of Germany in May of 2007 and returned with a few photos to share.


J German meal
Eating my mid day meal by a fountain
b Koln cathedral
Köln cathedral. We climbed the 509 steps to the top and back in under 30 minutes!
c cute tall man
A VERY tall man in the Chocolate museum in Köln
D moulds
Chocolate moulds
E Santas
Various Santa Clauses through the ages
F Moulds
We saw the chocolate making in progress
G Chocolate templates
The creation of a chocolate wrapper
H Cute man
A cute man in white
I German figures
Outside the Nussknacker Haus in Köln
A cutie
A cute man who was on his own at Phantasialand
K Spargel meal
It was asparagus week, which thrilled me
L Fountain boy
This man jumped into the fountain in his underwear, but I got there a bit late with my camera. I think it was a stag weekend thing.
M Bikers
N Crowd men
Onlookers at the cathedral
O Beethovenhaus
At Beethoven's birthplace
P Rhine
With the Rhine in the background.
R Drachonsfels.jpg
The tower atop Drachonsfels
Q Fucker bus.jpg
Who would name their coach company this?


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