
Even ordinary days in autumn are extraordinary if you look at things the right way.
Stephen Fry a2
Stephen Fry always tops everyone's "Who Would You Have to Dinner?" list. We met him at the Cheltenham Literary Festival.
Stephen Fry c
He signed copies of Stephen Fry in America and Last Chance to See.
Stephen Fry b2
We were both too nervous to say anything pithy, but at least I didn't spill his wine!
Stephen Fry d
Stephen Fry was gracious and patient with the huge queue of fans.
Stephen Fry f#
Mark Carwardine and Stephen Fry, explorers, environmental campaigners, and authors of Last Chance to See. Click HERE to see our encounter with Rupert Everett and a past literary festival.
Winchester b}
Pumpkins at that same market
Winchester d
Winchester a
King Alfred in Winchester
A small porcini found on our mushroom foray
Porcini breakfast
Breakfast made with the porcini
  Winchester c2
Apples at the farmers' market in Winchester

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