


In May, 2001, I got to play five different characters in Little Shop of Horrors. (My previous role was Herr Schultz in Cabaret. Click here for photos.) My main role in Little Shopwas playing the sadistic dentist, Orin Scrivello, who spent most of his time menacing his girlfriend Audrey or pulling people's teeth without anaesthetic. A week after the show was over, I developed a toothache and dreamed that my dentist refused to numb my mouth before drilling. Life imitates art.

The other characters I played were a bum, an NBC television producer named Bernstein, a sleazy representative of the William Morris Agency named Skip Snip, and - in my first female role - Claire Booth Luce, wife of Life Magazine editor Henry Luce. This show also allowed me to fulfil my lifelong ambition of being a Muppeteer when I got to operate an evil plant puppet during the show's final number.

Enjoy the photos and review below.

Click for larger image Click for larger image Shop sells showtime at its best <IMG SRC="../../AShared/littleshop/Bums2TN.jpg" ALT="Click for larger image" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="68" BORDER="0">  <IMG SRC="../../AShared/littleshop/Bums2TN.jpg" ALT="Click for larger image" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="68" BORDER="0">
 <IMG SRC="../../AShared/littleshop/Bums2TN.jpg" ALT="Click for larger image" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="68" BORDER="0"> {short description of image} <IMG SRC="../../AShared/littleshop/Bums2TN.jpg" ALT="Click for larger image" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="68" BORDER="0"> <IMG SRC="../../AShared/littleshop/Bums2TN.jpg" ALT="Click for larger image" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="68" BORDER="0">
<IMG SRC="../../AShared/littleshop/Bums2TN.jpg" ALT="Click for larger image" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="68" BORDER="0">
<IMG SRC="../../AShared/littleshop/Bums2TN.jpg" ALT="Click for larger image" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="68" BORDER="0"> CULT classic Little Shop of Horrors has a little bit of everything.

It has foot-tapping and tear-jerking songs, structures to rival Cole Porter at his best, wonderfully clever acknowledgements to a variety of genres, a wildly funny main story and an allegorical sub-plot which blossoms fantastically at the climax.

This is a terrific production, splendidly directed and with universally excellent performances from a hugely talented cast.

From the moment the three-girl Motown chorus delivered the first number, we knew we were in for a treat.

All four leads are fine actors and powerful singers.

The sadistic dentist Orin has a great comic song and George Tilesley [sic] did it more than justice.

American greed and consumption are epitomised by the vast, overpowering plant - an embodiment of President George W Bush if ever there was one! [what a strange thing to say - Ed.]

John Billington - Curtain Call Awards Review
<IMG SRC="../../AShared/littleshop/Bums2TN.jpg" ALT="Click for larger image" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="68" BORDER="0"> <IMG SRC="../../AShared/littleshop/Bums2TN.jpg" ALT="Click for larger image" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="68" BORDER="0">
 <IMG SRC="../../AShared/littleshop/Bums2TN.jpg" ALT="Click for larger image" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="68" BORDER="0"> <IMG SRC="../../AShared/littleshop/Bums2TN.jpg" ALT="Click for larger image" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="68" BORDER="0"> <IMG SRC="../../AShared/littleshop/Bums2TN.jpg" ALT="Click for larger image" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="68" BORDER="0"> <IMG SRC="../../AShared/littleshop/Bums2TN.jpg" ALT="Click for larger image" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="68" BORDER="0">
 <IMG SRC="../../AShared/littleshop/Bums2TN.jpg" ALT="Click for larger image" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="68" BORDER="0"> Click for larger image Click for larger image

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